Saturday, March 1
Field Trip #1: Candy Rhyolite in Truth or Consequences
Field Trip #2: Hatch, NM
Sunday, March 2
Field Trip #1: Candy Rhyolite in Truth or Consequences
Field Trip #2: Hatch, NM
Candy Rhyolite Field Trip Info (Field Trip #1)
The first trip will be to collect beautiful candy rhyolite from Jason Brousseau of New Mexico Stone Supply’s claim in Truth or Consequences. Thank you Jason for allowing us to collect on your claim!
This trip is about a 20 minute drive from the Fair Barn. 4WD is not required. There is a short walk from the parking area to the collecting area. As the claim owner, Jason asks that you limit your collection to 20 pounds of this beautiful material.
This is a surface collecting location, but a garden claw or trowel can be useful to dig or pry things out. If you bring a rock hammer to break apart material, be sure to wear eye protection. See below for more information on what to bring.
Hatch Field Trip Info (Field Trip #2)
The second trip will be to the Sierra County Rock and Gem Society’s claim near Hatch, NM. You will be able to collect barite, calcite, quartz, other beautiful rocks and minerals, and fossils. There are petroglyphs a short drive away.
The drive for this trip is approximately 1 hour 15 minutes each way. Although any passenger car can drive the majority of the way to the claim, 4WD is recommended for the last half mile. The field trip leader will stop at that point to condense vehicles. Those with 4WD are encouraged to invite other attendees to share their vehicle.
You will be able to find many beautiful rocks on the surface, but bring a trowel, garden claw, or small shovel if you would like to do a little digging. If you bring a rock hammer to break apart material, be sure to wear eye protection. See below for more information on what to bring.
Field Trip FYIs
All field trips will depart from the Sierra County Fair Barn promptly at 10 am. Meet there a few minutes early to learn about the trip, sign waivers, and convoy to the site. Carpooling is encouraged.
For any rockhounding field trip, sturdy, closed toe shoes are a must. Cactus spines can go right through tennis shoes. Long pants are recommended. Bring plenty of water, sunscreen, a hat, gloves, and lunch or snacks. Be prepared for inclement weather. Bring a bucket or bag to collect your pretty rocks.
Due to the rough terrain, children must remain under close supervision at all times.
Field trips are $5 per adult. Children under 12 are free. Please email [email protected] with any questions. There is no pre-registration for field trips. Sign up in front of the Fair Barn before each trip.
See the Complete Schedule of Events